Networx technologies
Networx technologies

networx technologies networx technologies

GSA’s Networx offers agencies access to major telecommunications companies and industry partners. Think of this blog as the Networx 201 cliffs notes, outlining acquisition choices you can make under Networx that may deliver more savings, allow you to take advantage of improved technologies Networx partners offer, and add value without raising your costs. Today, not every agency is taking advantage of some of the newer Networx technologies that offer savings and enhanced features to support agency missions. If you want to learn how to get the most from Networx for your organization, you’d be advised to take a 200-level course, or just read this blog post. If you know what Networx is, what options are available, and your organization has placed orders using Networx, congratulations, you’ve passed Networx 101. If you had to take a course about Networx called “How to Get the Most from Telecommunications,” would you pass with flying colors, fail, or just get by?

Networx technologies